Sunday, October 27, 2013

Clear Skin Secrets


Chris Simmons, World Renown Nutritionist & Skin Care Expert, Has Revealed His Simple, Totally Natural Methods to Eliminate Acne Forever...With Guaranteed Results!

Using His Easy To Read, Step-By-Step Guide, You Can Eliminate
Face and Body Acne Within Two Weeks.

Everything You Need To Stop Pimples and Blackheads Is Explained in Detail. 

The Sooner You Start, The Sooner You Will Have Clear Skin...
If You Know What To Do.
Read On! This Could Be The Most Important Thing
You Ever Do To Impove Your Looks.

Terry Right BeforeTerry Right AfterTerry Left BeforeTerry Left After
You Can Achieve These Results Within Two Weeks!

Here's My Story

My name is Chris Simmons. When I was in high school, I had a terrible breakout, and in a panic, I put on a ton of the most popular zit cream before going to class. I thought it would blend in to my face like lotion, but I had put on too much, and it looked like clown makeup.
The prettiest girl in class noticed it right away and said, "Are you alright? You're white as a ghost." I immediately realized what had happened, but I actually felt RELIEF - my only thought was "at least she didn't notice my acne." That's how ashamed I was of my zits. I literally preferred to look like a clown.

I suffered from acne for 14 years, and actually gave up solving it.

I thought I was a special, hopeless case. Then I traveled around the world for six months and asked holistic natural healers in 23 different countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa for their guiding rules about healing acne and maintaining healthy skin. I collected their wisdom about acne prevention and acne treatment and made the easy changes in diet and lifestyle they advised.
Please Don't Read Clear Secrets!Caution: Other skin care products may NOT want you to read this!Please Don't Read Clear Secrets!
When I returned, my skin, for the first time since I was 12 years old, was pimple-free. I looked great. Of course, everyone noticed it.

I Know How You Feel

bulletYou've been using expensive, chemical-smelling creams and pads, or tried overnight "miracle cures", but your acne only gets worse. You need a natural solution.100% Natural Acne Remedies

bulletYou hesitate to talk to attractive men and women because your bad skin puts them "out of your league".

bulletAcne is making you self-conscious about your looks, robbing you of your confidence. You want to look and feel healthy.

bulletYou don't want to watch a bunch of videos, subscribe to anything, or go on a 10-day fast. You just want to know which acne cures actually WORK.
"I never thought it would work so fast! When I'm out with my friends, I feel like a new, healthier person. Thanks, Chris!"
- Thomas Z.
Sheboygan, Wis. USA
Acne Treatment 7
"The morning after I started using the tips in Clear Skin Secrets, I could feel my skin was less oily and less irritated. Two weeks later, you can see the difference."
- Amy L.
San Jose, Cal. USA
Acne Treatment 10
"Hey, just had to show you, it's getting better everyday. The foods and plants you recommend obviously are making a huge change. Why did I wait this long to fix my skin??"
- Rubio T.
Miami, Florida USA
Acne Treatment 5

Clear Skin Secrets Will Show You:

Acne Foods
bulletThe acne-fighting SUPERFRUIT available at your supermarket right now. Eat two of these a day, and you can see your acne improve in less than a week. HINT:it's not expensive, and it's not the silly Acai berry.

bulletThe natural plant extract that you should put on your face every single day. It's scientifically proven to repair damaged skin, safely and effectively.

bulletThe two foods you probably ate this week that are so likely to cause pimple breakouts, I call them ACNE ROCKET FUEL. You MUST NOT eat these foods.

bulletThe common herb that you should be eating every single day. It's great on potatoes, with tomatoes, and in meat dishes. Plus it promotes fat loss, so just eat it already! (And try chopping it and pressing it against your most acne-prone skin - I'm serious!)

Don't Give Up On Your Skin,
It's Too Important

Acne Diagram
bulletDiscover the easy daily activity that is the least you must do to kill the bacteria that cause pimples. [HINT:it has nothing to do with washing or showering.]

bulletLearn the REAL cause of acne. It's not "adolescence" or shaving or a mysterious virus. It's not because you don't wash your face enough (even though acne-cream commercials want you to think that).

bulletFind out the one weird trick that every Hollywood actor, every fashion model, and every TV presenter (and their stylists!) does to make breakouts and pimples disappear as fast as possible.

These Tips Will Change Your Skin -
Will They Change Your Life?

bulletWashing your face with regular soap hardly makes a bit of difference--with the exception of ONE brand of soap, which we include a coupon for!

bulletBenzoil peroxide creams are a pathetic waste of money, and one of the most popular prescription acne drugs could be one of the most dangerous things you can put in your body. 

bulletThere is only one right way to treat a whitehead pimple.HINT: You do NOT want to "pop" it.

bulletRead exactly what you must do right now tonoticeably improve your skin in as little as 72 hours. [HINT: It has to do with the water you drink].
Buy Now - Retail Price: $59.95
CLICK HERE for Instant Download Sale Price! 
Limited-time offer. SALE ENDS October 28th, 2013. 
Buy Now

It's A Problem From Hell...

1.You cannot ignore your acne - your face is what you show the world, you have to be proud of it. Young and old, boy or girl, we all want and desire clear skin. Fair or not, acne-free skin is percieved as a strong sign of happiness, good health and vitality.

2.Our health care and education systems have failed you. You may have learned to identify 20 different parts of the human heart, but school didn't teach you how to prevent acne and keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

3.Giant pharmaceutical companies work 24/7 to deceive you. They advertise constantly because they make over HALF A BILLION dollars every year in the United States alone selling zit creams. They trick you into feeling helpless about your skin.

...But You Can Fight Back!

1.Clear Skin Secrets will show you exactly how to alter your diet and hygiene practices to cure your acne using natural remedies, with quickly visible results, or your money back, 100% guaranteed, no questions asked.

2.The Clear Skin Secrets plan for healthy skin is effective for EVERY ethnicity and race, and men and women of EVERY age. Black, white or in between, it doesn't matter.

3.Your purchase will give you immediate access to Clear Skin Secrets, no registration needed. Your credit card or PayPal will be discreetly billed as "CLK*BANK".

Beauty Isn't Skin Deep - But First Impressions Are

While it's true that real beauty is on the inside, it's also true that appearances MATTER. The more attractive you are, the better chance you have of getting a good job, getting a pay raise, getting good customer service, or mating with another attractive person.

I'm not making this up:

In their published research, Professors Daniel Hamermesh and Jeff Biddle estimate that if you're perceived as beautiful, you probably earn about 5 percent more than your ordinary-looking counterparts.

Think about it: Many Hollywood stars are fat or weird (Jack Nicholson lately...) but NONE go onscreen with zits on their face.

Clear skin is more important than your clothes, your body shape, even your facial structure.
The Simple Truth: NOTHING is More Important to Your Appearance Than Clear, Healthy Skin. NOTHING.

Finally, In 17 Seconds, See How Unhealthy Celebrities Fake Their "Perfect" Skin

But Photoshop isn't an option for the rest of us, living in the real world!
You didn't create our society's massive bias against acne, but it is for real, and the only way to deal with it is to fix your skin. You need to intelligently modify your diet and hygiene. Don't put this off another minute.
Clear Skin Secrets ebook

Do me a favor:

Take your "Before" picture now. Purchase Clear Skin Secrets, follow the instructions, and take an "After" picture. If you don't see a major improvement in one week, let us know and I will refund your money.
I think it's much more likely that you'll be sending your pics as a testimonial to how well these natural remedies work.
Just by reading this you have taken an important step to getting clear skin. Remember, there's no reason to waste another minute passively allowing yourself to live with diseased skin. Clear Skin Secrets can help you.
Yours in Health,
P.S. You can be a flat-out better looking person by next weekend. You CAN cure your acne, and you can do it with free or inexpensive natural solutions, if you have the right information and knowledge.
P.P.S. This promotional price for Clear Skin Secrets will end soon, so why wait any longer?
Buy Now - Retail Price: $59.95
CLICK HERE for Instant Download Sale Price! 
Limited-time offer. SALE ENDS October 28th, 2013. 
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Your Risk-Free, No-Hassle, Super Easy,
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Zero-Risk, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Our Personal Guarantee to You:

Download Clear Skin Secrets with 100% peace of mind because we're offering you a Zero-Risk, 60-Day, No-Questions, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

In other words... YOU have everything to gain and nothing to lose. That's our promise to you!

Buy Now - Retail Price: $59.95
CLICK HERE for Instant Download Sale Price! 
Limited-time offer. SALE ENDS October 28th, 2013. 
Buy Now
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Friday, October 25, 2013

How My Daughter Cleared Her Acne Permanently in 6 Days

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How My Daughter Cleared Her Acne Permanently in 6 Days

We all know that acne is an extremely common skin condition. It is caused by changes in our skin condition where our skin pores are blocked by sebum which is our own bodily oil and dead skin cells. Left untreated the blocked skin pores may become inflamed with lesions and may result in ugly scars. According to skin specialists, acne is partly hereditary.

Getting Rid of Pimples Fast and Forever in 7 Days Using the Secret Acne Home Treatment

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Getting Rid of Pimples Fast and Forever in 7 Days Using the Secret Acne Home Treatment

Are you thinking of going to that party next week but too ashamed to go because of the zits on your face? Do not worry as I am going to share with you the Secret Acne Home Treatment. I was once a teenager so I know how it feels to have zits all over the face. You feel like putting your face into the sand, right?


Get Rid of Acne Quickly and Effectively in 1 Week With Acne Magic Skin Treatment

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Get Rid of Acne Quickly and Effectively in 1 Week With Acne Magic Skin Treatment


How to Get Rid of Whiteheads - The Forbidden Secret of Homemade Acne Treatments

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How to Get Rid of Whiteheads - The Forbidden Secret of Homemade Acne Treatments

So what exactly are whiteheads? Whiteheads are the accumulated hardened sebum, which is our natural skin oil, mixed with our dead skins found inside our skin pores. The whiteheads are white tiny raised spots on the skin of our face. The difference between whiteheads and blackheads is that it has not been oxidized or exposed to air and the tip spot becomes black.

Now for the forbidden secret of homemade acne treatment, take one ripe orange. Crush the orange into a pulp. Add one egg yolk to the pulp and mix well. Place this orange and egg mixture on your dampened clean washed face. Massage it well into your facial skin for 5 minutes. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. This facial natural mask is ideal for oily skin. Instead of egg you may also use honey. This natural orange and egg fruit mask is amazing for the skin. It would clear away all traces of whiteheads. It not only activates the dead cells in the inner layers of your facial skin but also enhance a bright glow on your face.
You should do this once a week however with regular use it would remove all traces of acne. Try it today and feel the difference.

To complement the above treatments you should also do the following without fail:-

1. Eat a healthy diet. No oily or fast food. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
2. Drink 8 glasses of clean water everyday.
3. Start a regular exercise program. Perhaps 30 minutes brisk walking and later jogging.

If you follow the above steps diligently not only will you have a smooth and glowing face, you would also find yourself healthier and more energetic.

However if you need a faster solution to get rid of your whiteheads within 3 days, which has been tried and proven to be extremely effective by thousands of teenagers around the world just Click Here Now!


Get Rid of Acne Now and Forever Using 8 Natural Cures For Acne

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Get Rid of Acne Now and Forever Using 8 Natural Cures For Acne

Acne is a Greek word meaning spot or point. It is a skin disease but not dangerous however it can be very unpleasant to see. When acne appears they tend to be several spot or point like on the patient's face, neck, chest, shoulders and back. It is caused by the clogging of the tiny hair follicles. It is characterized by unsightly and often painful lesions on the surface of the skin and below.

Acne is widespread especially during adolescence and a lot of people experience acne at some point during their lifetime. There are many myths about what causes and cures acne. However sadly, scientists up to this stage of modern and advanced technological knowledge has not been able to find a medical cure for acne.


Acne Cures - Is There a Natural Acne Cure That Works?

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Acne Cures - Is There a Natural Acne Cure That Works?

Is there a natural acne cure that actually works? Or is it just a MYTH conjured by unscrupulous businessmen in selling their purported acne miracle cure? Are all acne sufferers destined to forever battling their acne symptoms? Are they forever under the mercy of large pharmaceutical companies buying their drugs, creams and whatever acne treatments available?

Almost all the skin specialists have confirmed that there is no medical cure for the acne. They are only familiar with the symptoms and they are highly trained just to clear and treat the symptoms. They are not trained or taught on the causes of acne. They do not know what the underlying factors that caused acne are.

When you seek the skin specialist treatment for your acne they would more often than not merely give you some drug and creams to temporary calm the symptoms of acne. This is a huge conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies and in cahoots with the medical profession to forever supply you with medication that only calms the symptoms of acne.

In the treatment of acne we must use the analogy of the mosquitoes in order to understand this problem. All of us know that the mosquitoes thrive in a stale water locked pond. To kill all the mosquitoes chemicals are used around the pond. With the use of the chemicals all traces of mosquitoes are gone. However the source of this problem is the stale water locked pond which is very conducive for the mosquitoes to find food and lay their eggs. Without cleaning the pond the mosquitoes would always come back.

This same condition also happens to our acne. Until we clear the pond the mosquitoes would return. We need to clean our body system in order to get rid of the acne. But we must also understand the fundamental process of why we have acne in the first place. This are actually messages from our own body that something is not right in our body system. It is telling us that we need to do something in order to correct this hormonal imbalance.

To know more about this condition I strongly urge you to read the Acne No More Ebook. The Ebook would easily explain why our acne happens and that something is terribly wrong with our body system. Get the Ebook before something even worse would happen. Click Here Now


Acne Treatments That Work - 3 Simple But Amazing Tips to No More Acne

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Acne Treatments That Work - 3 Simple But Amazing Tips to No More Acne

Acne among teenagers has been a problem but a huge profitable industry for the pharmaceutical companies. This niche has been growing steadily over the years. All teenagers wants to look good and who wants to have zits all over their face. Therefore there are various types of medication claiming to be the miracle cure for acne and these are being bought by the teenagers in trying to get rid of their acne.

 However the medication are not cheap. It can cost as low as $20.00 to as high as $200.00. But alas after using such medication the acne appears to be gone but would return later very much worse then before. So the moral of this article is beware, do not be conned of your hard earned money by false advertisements by the pharmaceutical industry.